22 June 2008

Dear Texas, I miss you.

Maybe I should apologize for being so brazenly Texan in my last post, but I don't really feel bad yet. This deep Texas pride thing is relatively new for me, so I guess I feel entitled to my turn. Maybe I'll start to feel guilty if I start randomly sending out "You know you're from Texas if..." forwards or blabbering too frequently about Chuy's Special Enchiladas, but I doubt it.

I love Texas.
And I miss it.

Luckily, the Smithsonian is acknowledging Texas' supremacy this week at the Folklife Festival on the Mall. As of yesterday, three exhibits (and by exhibit I mean large constructions and huge compounds of tents) were set up: Bhutan, NASA and Texas. Sorry, Colorado. Looks like a tent of Crocs and wheatgrass wasn't going to do the trick. Sorry, Washington. Coffee is an all-over-the-world thing now. But Texas, on the other hand --


The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.