19 July 2011

Clear eyes, full hearts.

Just in case you're ever in a situation and you want people to love Texas, but you're not sure how to explain, NBC has created a really helpful tool.

Thanks to the Dillon Panthers, unsuspecting folks around the universe have fallen for my home state -- in all of it's big-haired glory. FNL has come with a vengeance to our house. Jac and I were glued to his laptop in front of the fire for at least eight episodes on Saturday and he's now finished the first and second season in a record-breaking three days. Last night at dinner, he announced, "Like, physically I'm here, but I'm actually not here. I'm actually in Dillon. Playing football."

The fact that Jac's escaping to another world -- that's no surprise. We all love to settle in when we hear his voice subtly change to the tone we've learned to know as "the voice Jac uses when exiting reality and entering his imaginary dream lives." It's always good. It usually involves several illustrious careers in all fields where one can become famous, and ends with a heartbreaking choice between Rhianna and Megan Fox as the lucky girl who gets to marry him. And then we all start rolling on the floor laughing, because it's way better live than I could possibly show here.

I'm just glad that now these dreams have taken a complete shift to be filled with cutoff t-shirts and Texan cuties. He even suggested that Bev make front-yard signs for him and wear a button with his face to his next rugby match. (Things I've been suggesting for months now, just quietly.)

If Texas gets a stint with Jac Cameron, you'll all be the better for it. And if it takes Coach Taylor and Lila Garrity to get him there, I'm not going to be one to throw a fuss.

In Timmy Riggins' own words,

"Here's to good friends and Texas."

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