I spent last weekend in Texas.
It's a good thing I love Texas, because the airlines didn't make it easy on me to get there and back. Actually, they made it almost impossible. Kayak.com is awesome, yes, but sometimes you've got to pay the big bucks for little luxuries while flying -- and by little luxuries, I mean, like, arriving in your destination.
It started out well enough -- LH gave me a midday ride to mine and Jesus' favorite airport, just a hop/skip/jump from work and a pleasant place to spend the mandatory pre-boarding hour. They even have a Brooks Brothers, complete with mannequins in double-popped Polos and critter shorts (unfortunately my phone upload was too blurry -- use your imagination) and fresh mozzarella melts at Cosi.
I digress.
The trouble started when I arrived in Charlotte. I was scheduled for a one-hour layover, but when I got to the gate, the lights were flashing a time two hours later. I was sad about being stuck in the airport, but really I was saddest that the layover meant I'd be missing LN's bachelorette party at my favorite restaurant in the world.
So I did the logical thing. I put on my best, "I'm Hanna Schmidt and I get what I want" cap and called the 1-800 number for USAirways. I told them I was going to be late for a wedding -- which was mostly true, but to no avail. I sucked it up and decided I'd get my prickly pear margarita and queso sometime soon.
Luckily, I didn't settle in too deeply though, because when I decided to take a little stroll down the corridor, I noticed that there was a sign flashing at the next gate, advertising my flight leaving for SA in five minutes.
Please bear in mind that nearly a hundred others were waiting for the same flight at the same gate where I'd been, and they had no idea our flight was about to take off without us. I mentioned this as a problem to the USAirways clerk, but it didn't really phase her, so for the good of humanity, I ran back down to gate 12, and yelled, "If you're going to San Antonio, it's leaving in five minutes from Gate 13!" This was followed by a stampede of tired Texans, who just wanted to get home.
We were then instructed to trek across the tarmac and board our little plane via rolling stairway.
The flight got weirder when I boarded and noticed a woman in first class with an air cast on her right leg. It's not that people with air casts are that weird, but I shot her a double take when I saw that she had no pants on. That's right folks. I'm sure adjusting that air cast was uncomfortable, but even in first class, a plane is just not the time/place to be wearing no pants. It was hugely bizarre.
This was followed by many more weird things.
I was almost certain that US Airways not a real airline when we finally lurched to a stop in SA and I suddenly noticed the logos embroidered on the seats (again, the Centro camera failed me -- I should've broken down and gotten the iPhone) which in no way resembled the US Airways logo. They were a cross between a sunset and a 'W' -- probably some defunct airline that went broke in 1991 (the last time it was reupholstered).
Despite a rough start (I did miss those fantastic little gorditas...) the weekend was fantastic.
I always forget how wonderful my friends are until I'm forced by miles to live without them. But being back with Kusiak, SJ, Whit, Charlotte and Lesbo was a breath of fresh air.
You can take the girls out of the sorority, but you can't take the snuggle out of the girls...
Thanks for the lessons on lime use in Coronas...
If only Jorge could have come!
The weekend was spectacular, the friends even more so -- Carlota, there's hope for you and the wedding singer, I could see it in his eyes. The 'getting back to DC' saga is too long to post -- let's just say that after 14 hours in a variety of airports, the Henshaws were a welcome sight on Monday night...
I love you, friends.
I love you, Texas.
I disdain you, US Airways.
I love you, friends.
I love you, Texas.
I disdain you, US Airways.
you texas girls are just so pretty. i'm sorry you had a crappy travel experience. it made for another great post though. miss you, han.
I agree- US Airways is a figment of our imagination.
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